Monday, December 2, 2019

Leasons and Healing From Maui

So here is an example of some self coaching.
I wrote out my thoughts and then went back through and highlighted the essence of that particular learning in blue.
I went through again and added action statements in green.
Lastly, I added an affirmation for that action in pink.
I then looked for repeating value word and highlighted those in red.

Lessons and Healing from Maui

Maui is a place where I feel connected to my Higher Self and Spirit.  Maybe it is the raw beauty of this island or maybe there is a Spirit of the place itself.  Maybe it’s a bit of both.  This year I returned to this Island haggard by the demands and worry of Mom’s care.  I was also feeling adrift with my intentions for this next chapter of my Life.  Here is the clarity that has come to me here.

As I wrote in my previous blog, I found some clarity around my Mom’s care in that it is a karmic lineage from my Dad.  I do not want to pass this on to my son or his children.  Seeing the Gift within that Sacrifice helps me to find Gratitude in the current situation.
As I move forward with where ever the mom situation brings me, I Promise to keep focused on the gift I am passing down to my loved ones.  By handling this repeating theme with more compassion, acceptance and gratitude I will end this karmic cycle within my lineage. 
The sacrifice is the Gift.

I retired at the beginning of the year and, in my usual fashion, I handled the nervousness of the situation by preparing and planning.  I laid out my plan carefully.  I was going to get my tour guide certification in June and start working as a guide.  I would also seek very part-time employment with the Cruise Terminal and the Convention Center.  My goal is to bring in $1000 per month and that seemed easily doable within six months or so.  Once I had established those ongoing income sources I would start working on developing my own businesses.  Now I know that I need to just focus on my long term “Promise” (Not a goal, Thank you Randy.) of the Abundant Life I envision for Lori and I and let the short term details work themselves out. 
Does this serve my Intention and my Vision of our Abundant Life?

Things did not work out quite the way I had planned.  The Tour Guide Certification process was more time consuming than I had thought.  I did get my certification but I was caught in the middle of some drama within the association and by the time it was settled and I was told I had qualified, I had lost my passion and confidence for the work.  I knew I needed to gain experience and polish my delivery but the association was not going to be a resource for me.  I have moved forward on my guide work, more out of pure stubbornness than anything else.  I am now a volunteer docent for the
Gaslamp Foundation and the Lambda Archives.  I have gained an ally in Alva.  I took my certification test with her and she was an
inspiration to me.  We are both volunteering at the Gaslamp and she also has realized that the tour guide association will be of limited help in gaining tour work.  There is too much drama and a culture of protecting one’s resources resulting in an unwillingness to share information.  We both have realized that if tour work is to be viable for us, we will have to develop our own tours.  Being around Alva and others I’ve met at the Gaslamp Foundation and Lambda Archives has helped me find my passion for guiding again.  I have an interest in continuing to develop my guiding skills while I look for a niche where my passion meets a need within the industry.  Perhaps Alva will be a partner in that endeavor?
Where does my Passion intersect with the need? 
Regardless, she will be a supporter.   I will invest more time with Alva to firm up where our mutual support or perhaps partnership may take us.
Invest in co-supportive relationships

I am also now a volunteer Ambassador at the Airport and I love it.  I really like helping peopled.  That is at the core of all of this work I am doing.  I like it and because the interactions are all so transient, it is easy to focus on the good of people and let go of the few difficult encounters.  So the passion is there for sharing knowledge and helping others.  Now how too monetize it?
I bring value to the Lives of others and my efforts are worthy of compensation.

In the mean time, I have been making money working for two temp agencies at the Convention Center and at the Cruise Terminal.  For the most part I like the work.  I like doing a lot of different things after all those years of doing one job.  But these do not pay very well and I have not made it to the “A team” with the temp agencies which would bring in more assignments.  For the most part, I like these jobs, but they are just jobs.  Last month I did make my goal of bringing home $1000 for the first time.  At the same time I really value my unscheduled time.  Is the low pay worth the loss of my time?  I do enjoy the work and the networking it allows me is introducing me to others who may be helpful in my future.  I like that I feel no ownership and just show up, do a good job and get paid.  There is value in continuing this work for the money it provides in meeting our needs for now.  My Promise is to be open to what jobs come to me but the majority of my time and energy will be focused on supporting Lori and creating our Abundant Future. 
My priority is supporting Lori and working toward our Abundant Life.

I learned the phrase Rewired instead of Retired from Randy.  I really like what this says to me.  I have been  referring to myself as “Semi-Retired, Self-Employed".  Rewired is so much better.  For me it speaks to the intentional transformation I am Promising to make in my post-USPS years.  I am finally coming understand what really makes me happy, centered and harmonious and now I am learning to laser-focus my intentions and actions to achieve the Abundant Life I want for Lori and I.  I have always been a cheerleader and supporter of everyone else’s dreams.  Now I want to grow my confidence and know that I can do this.  All my affirmations and visualizations are wonderful, it’s time to put action to those dreams.  I’ve been taking steps toward this but they are baby steps.  I promise now to Dream Big, have Clear Intentions and have Faith in myself.  Give me the Ball!
Dream Big!
Focused Clear Intentions.
Give me the Ball!

Randy also uses the phrase “I know what my Big Rocks are”.  I like the visual this brings up for me.  Here are some thoughts on my Big Rocks:
My highest values I’ve learned through the Coach For Life process that my twin highest values were Harmony and Security.  I wonder if they have changed?  It has been over ten years since I did that work.  I know that I still value those but perhaps others have moved ahead of them in priority?  Maybe I can find someone to go through the Coach For Life process with me or maybe I can do the process some way myself just by looking through my recent writing for clues.  I believe that will actually work for narrowing down the values.  My promise is the winnow my writing and then finding someone to lead me through the process of finding my highest values.
I always like the simplicity of coaching others with a mind, body, spirit, work, home and play approach.  So here are my Big Rocks on in these categories.
Mind I promise to keep my mind active with continuing to learn throughout my Life.  I also promise to keep an Open Mind.  To be open to whatever presents itself to me and to take it in without judgement.  That is a big ask of myself but we are working on progress, not perfection.  I also Promise to be clear in my Intent for whatever I am doing.  This will also take me becoming more present in my role as a Co-Creator of my Life.  I need to find a way to keep this thought formats in my consciousness.
I am a Lifetime Learner.
I keep my mind open.
Acceptance without judgement.
I am a conscious Co-Creator of my Life
Body  My body has been healing since I left the USPS.  My shoulder is much improved but I still have on-going, nagging issues throughout my body.  I did some bloodwork and had a reading that, to my relief and surprise, told me that I did not have markers for high inflammation within my blood.  But still, my issues are inflammatory in nature.  My cholesterol has also been climbing the last few years.  I always speak my intention to eat a healthier diet for my body’s needs but my actions do not show that intention.
I Promise to continue the micro-fast lifestyle.  I promise to limit my sugar, reduce my hard carbs and avoid soft carbs all together.  I Promise to get back to using organic meats and adding two meet-free (sans beef and poultry) days a week to my routine.  I Promise to eat more fish and legumes. I promise to be more careful with both good fats and salt and to avoid bad fats altogether.
I am the Stewart of this amazing physical body and I treat it with the respect it deserves.
This is a lot to promise and I have been here before so how do I follow through?  I Promise to eat and exercise with intention?  Yeah? How? Using Randy’s inspiration to not take actions that contradict my Visualization of my lean and healthy body.    How can I enjoy the Life I envision without the good health?  
Clarity of Vision!
I was also gifted on this trip to experience some wonderful healing by Carol at the Grand Wailea Spa.  She did some Hawaiian energy work along with my massage and with it she gave me some insights into my own Body-Spirit interface.  
My left (Mother) side was where I felt the pain but it was my right (Father) side that needed the most healing.
My low back tightness indicated that I do not feel supported.
My shoulder pain indicated that I was bearing a burden.
The tightness of my thumbs indicated an inability to receive.
The tightness of my right outer thigh and shin along with the curving forward of my right shoulder indicated that my upper body was trying to move faster than my lower body.
My skull was tight like an “old coconut”.  She worked until she found a way in and opened it up to allow my Guardian Angel to come in again.
By the time Carol was done with me I felt lighter in Body and Spirit.  It is my Promise to continue to visit Carol and other Healers to align my Body and Spirit for the healing of my body and soul.
I am assisted by powerful Healers in my Life
With Carol’s work I was brought back into connection with Micheal.  I have not been able to connect with him in awhile and I know I need him now.  I have been operating from my human brain without truly connecting with Spirit.  Even in using my spiritual tools I am approaching it with my brain and not enough of Heart and Spirit.   I Promise to work to stay connected to Micheal and to be open to any other Guides who are with me.  
Micheal, Guides, Ancestors, Totems please join me now.
This will all tie back into Being more conscious in the moment throughout my day.  In Hawaiian it is all some up by the phrase “Live Aloha”. I need a physical reminder to Live Aloha with me at all times for 30 days.  This will act as a reminder of my Intention and my Vision.  I Promise that when I get home Lori will help me to find a ring that I can wear on my right hand to be that reminder.  I will wear it for 30 days to establish a new habit of being more conscious.  Or better yet, maybe I can find a ring while I’m here.
Work I have pretty much already outlined my intentions for the work aspect of my Life but I will clarify them again here.  Moving forward my “work” will be things that excite me and move me forward towards my Promise of an Abundant Life.  I have a clear Intention for that Life and I will only focus those things that bring me to this Life.
I follow my excitement.
Home My Home is my sanctuary.  I will continue to keep it a harmonious and beautiful place for both us and our loved ones.  Home is not only the house we live in but a Spirit within me.  If I have more peace and love within me, I will have more to give to the World.  Again it can be summed up under the affirmation Live Aloha.
Play This has been a big part of my retirement.  I have a lot more time to not only be with friends but to also be creative.  I love sitting in coffee shops working on my laptop.  It will be important for me to continue to make time for play to keep the creative juices flowing.  My Promise is to continue to make time for myself to be creative and to cultivate relationships with like minded others.
I gather my Tribe


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